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Think You Lost Out On Your Dream Home? Think Again

by Scott Darling

dream home

Perhaps you have been searching for your dream home and you have already found the one you really want but before you get a chance to do anything about it you drive by and notice it is ‘under contract’ or ‘pending’.  If this happens to you, don’t give up on your dreams there are things that you can do to make things go in your favor.  Below are a few ideas for you to try if you find that your dream home is about to slip through your fingers.

  • First of all if you find that the home you have your eye on is ‘under contract’ you need to know that you shouldn’t give up.  Under contract doesn’t mean that the sale has taken place it only means that an offer has been made but that it hasn’t closed yet.   There is still a good chance that the home may come back on the market again especially if the buyer cannot come up with the funds needed through financing.  Another reason a sale pending may fall through is if the inspection doesn’t work out.
  • Talk to your Realtor and let she or he know that you are interested in the house that is under contract.  Many times seller’s agents will continue to show a home until the last minute.  They do so because they may be hoping for a better offer than they currently have.  They also do this so that if the funding falls through for the current bidder they will have someone else in line to make an offer quickly afterwards. 
  • If you REALLY want this house and you don’t want it to slip through your fingers you can always make a higher bid than is currently in play.   If you can afford to do this, it can be an easy way to make things go in your favor. 
  • Sending a handwritten note to the seller is a great way to let them know just how serious you are about purchasing their home.  Hand written letters are pretty much a thing of the past these days and a handwritten note may make all the difference in the seller’s decision. 

Some of these tips for snatching your dream home  out of ‘under contract’ or ‘pending’ status are pretty unconventional but if you really want the home to be your own you may be willing to do whatever it may take. In the end if you don’t end up getting the home, there is another one out there that is better for you and your family. 

Courtesy of Chester County PA Realtor Scott Darling.

Creating More Privacy In Your Backyard

by Scott Darling


So you have just made one of the biggest purchases of your life by buying a home of your own and now you need to make it a bit more private.  You have come to the right place!  Let’s look at a few tips for creating more privacy in your new home. 

  • If you happen to live in a big city where the houses are basically on top of each other you may want to line your floors with a lot of area rugs.  While this simple step to making more privacy in your new home sounds like a silly thing, it really will help to keep the noise level down to a minimum if your neighbors tend to be loud. 
  • Lined curtains are a perfect way to help your home feel like an oasis in the middle of the country even if it is not.  These types of curtains also help to filter out loud noises as well. 
  • If you have a spot on your windowsills to put planters they can aid you in making your home more private.  All you need to do is put some tall plants in the planters and voila, you will have more privacy from your neighbors. 
  • One good way to have privacy outdoors for your new home is by putting up a privacy fence.  Privacy fences can help to keep pets safe as well as make your outdoor area a nice place to “get away from it all”, which we can all use every now and again. 
  • Tall scrubs and trees are a great way to shield yourself from your neighbors and make your home feel more private.  Scrubs and trees will also help to make your new home more beautiful and help the environment as well. 
  • If you simply cannot feel enough privacy in your new home, you can hide in a reading nook under the stairs or in a small attic space so that you can escape from time to time from those around you.  If your new home doesn’t have a small space like this, you can likely make one quite easily. 

Lastly if privacy is extremely important to you, it may be worth your while to look for a home in the wide open country so that you don’t have to make any previsions for more privacy. 

Courtesy of Chester County PA Real Estate Expert Scott Darling.

5 Easy Ways to Combat Holiday Stress

by Scott Darling

The holidays should be joyful and relaxing, filled with quality family time, but with all the pressures of gift buying, parties and traveling, you might view the season a bit differently. Whether you’re worried about money, checking everyone off your gift list or sending your holiday cards, it seems there’s never enough time to get everything done.

But the season doesn’t have to bring about feelings of stress and anxiety. When you focus on all the happiness the season brings, you can get back to enjoying what the holidays are all about.

Here are some tips to help you beat the many holiday stressors and enjoy this time of year:

1. Get organized.

Never underestimate the power of list-making and planning. Use a planner or your phone to keep track of all the tasks and events on your to-do list. Crossing items off as you go will help keep your stress levels in check.

2. Avoid taking on debt.

Money worries are one of the biggest triggers for holiday stress, but that doesn’t mean you have to go into debt. By planning and sticking to a budget, you can easily avoid spending too much. Decide what you can truly afford given your regular bills and expenses and don’t overlook easy ways to find “hidden” money in unexpected places. Gather all your coins from coat pockets and jars around the house… you’ll be amazed how those pennies can add up to. And be sure to also check your wallet for gift cards you may never use.

3. Be realistic.

You can only make it to so many parties and events in a given time frame, so don’t overdo it. You don’t have to be the perfect holiday host or please every one of your family members. Instead, focus on the traditions and holiday events that mean the most to you. If family events tend to overwhelm you, remember it’s OK to set a time limit for any event or visit.

4. Take time for yourself.

Sixty-six percent of holiday shoppers can name at least one thing they’d be willing to do to ensure they can purchase gifts for everyone, including eating out less, spending less on entertainment and taking on credit card debt. Try not to take enjoyable activities out of your budget, if you can. Treat yourself to dinner and a movie every now and then to keep yourself sane when the stressors start piling up.

5. Get active.

Stick to your normal exercise routine and make a point to get out and move. Regular exercise decreases feelings of anxiety, releases endorphins and improves your sleep quality, which are things you could use during the holidays. And even though it may be dark for a large portion of the day, spend a few minutes outside or sit near a window on particularly sunny days.

When you incorporate these tips into your routine, you’ll find it easier to enjoy all the wonderful things that come along with the holiday season. And instead of collapsing in relief at the end of the season, you’ll carry that calm and positive momentum right into the New Year. (BPT)

The average person will shell out approximately $805 on holiday spending this year, according to the National Retail Federation. That’s a significant increase in spending for most people, and in the excitement of shopping, purchasing and doling out gifts, it can be easy to forget about account balances and bills.

One solution that could help shoppers stay within their means this season: their smartphone.

According to the Bank of America Trends in Consumer Mobility Report, many Americans view their smartphone as an indispensable companion. In fact, 36 percent say they check it constantly, to the point of a few times an hour or more. With this growing mobile-mindset, shoppers have an invaluable tool at their disposal to help manage and simplify their holiday finances.

“During the rush of the holiday season, mobile banking makes it convenient for consumers to stay on top of their finances and manage their spending on the go with alerts about their accounts,” said Michelle Moore, head of digital banking at Bank of America. “For example, we send more than 1.5 million alerts a day to customers, including notifications of low account balances and upcoming bill payment due dates.”

Additional findings from the Report reveal how consumers may be using their phones to manage their finances this season:

  • Constantly connected. More than six in 10 (62 percent) consumers using a mobile banking app say they access it at least a few times a week or more, with two in 10 (20 percent) checking once a day or more.
  • Keeping a watchful eye. The majority (81 percent) of mobile banking app users are receiving push alerts and notifications via their mobile device to keep an eye on their account activity in real-time, with low balance (43 percent), unusual activity (41 percent) and deposit made (41 percent) alerts as some of the most popular elections. And it’s not just Santa who’s always watching — nearly one in seven (13 percent) Americans admit to tracking the spending of their parents, children or their significant other via mobile banking.
  • Ditch the cash. More than half (56 percent) of respondents would consider paying someone using person-to-person payments via a mobile banking app, specifically family (44 percent), friends (29 percent) and household helpers (20 percent). Additionally, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of mobile banking users use mobile check deposit.
  • Smartphones as shopping companions. Nearly two in five (38 percent) consumers shop for goods and services on their mobile device, with more than half (51 percent) of millennials doing so. Shoppers are also using their smartphones in store, with more than one-third (34 percent) citing they would consider or have already used their smartphone to make a purchase at checkout. (BPT)

Ways To Get Your Finances in Order for 2016

by Scott Darling


We all have New Year’s resolutions each year.  Why not make 2016 a great one by deciding once and for all to get your finances in order.  There are several ways that you can make a big step to improving your finances for this coming year that are not that difficult to do. 

  • One of the first things you should do in order to get a hold of your finances is to write down everything you spend for at least a month.  This way you will be able to clearly see where your money is going and where it is not.  You may find that you are a bit surprised by exactly how much money you waste on a daily basis buying things that you can definitely do without. 
  • Another easy step to taking a hold of your financial situation this coming year is to start paying off your credit cards.  It is a good idea to start with the smallest amounts owed on credit and pay that amount off first, then move to the larger amounts owed and whittle them down as well.  Once you pay off your credit cards do your best to do without them if you possibly can.  Living on a cash only basis is a great way to take charge of your finances.  If you don’t have it, you don’t spend it…it can be as simple as that!
  • This is a bit old school, but clipping coupons is a great way to help ease financial strains that you may have gotten yourself into.  There are several ways to coupon and many times you can get products completely free of charge if you get good enough at couponing.   Make a stockpile of things that you use on a regular basis such as toilet paper and toothpaste and other items you can get very cheap or free.
  • If you can, it is a good idea to save up an emergency fund for things that may go wrong now and again such as car repairs and the like.  A good amount to strive to save up is around $1,000.  This will be a big help when you find yourself in need. 

This should be a good start to getting you thinking about your finances and how to take control of them before they take control of you.  This time of year it can be hard to think about finances due to the holidays and all that they include but it is well worth it if you do so that you can start out the New Year in the right direction.   

Courtesy of Chester County PA Realtor Scott Darling.

Putting Up Your Christmas Tree Without Making a Mess Of Your Home

by Scott Darling

christmas tree

The time is upon us and Christmas will be here before you know it.   Finding the right Christmas tree for your  home can be a lot of fun if you go about it the right way and with a few guidelines. Below are some tips for putting up your Christmas tree without messing up your home.

  • The first thing you should do even before purchasing your Christmas tree is to prepare your home for its arrival.  If you have furniture that will need to be moved out of the way in order for your tree to take its rightful spot in your home then go ahead and move it out of the way before you leave so that when you arrive home you won’t have to worry about it being in your way. 
  • Be sure to put a sheet down before you drag the Christmas tree across your hardwoods.  The sap that is possibly still present in your tree can get onto your hardwood floors and destroy them if you are not careful.   This will also make it easier for you to put the tree where you want it as it will alleviate you having to carry the tree through the house. 
  • Take measurements where you want your tree to go before you go get one.  This way when you are searching for a tree you know exactly what size you will need for the space allotted.  No one wants to pay top dollar for a Christmas tree only to get it home and realize you have to cut three inches or more off so that it won’t hit the ceiling. 
  • Water your tree daily to avoid it catching on fire due to dry and brittle branches.  Be sure if your tree is not freshly cut that you trim at least a half inch off the bottom of the tree before you place it in its stand and water it, otherwise the tree will not be able to absorb the water and therefore will die prematurely and may catch fire.   

Now that you have read these tips for setting up your Christmas tree, you better get on out there and get you one of your own before Christmas has come and gone!

Courtesy of Chester County PA Realtor Scott Darling.

6 Home Repairs Owners Shouldn’t Delay

by Scott Darling


The following article, 6 Home Repairs Owners Shouldn't Delay, just appeared in Realtor Magazine and I thought you could use the reminder coming into the colder weather...

Some home repairs that owners linger on could turn into financial catastrophe. recently highlighted several things home owners should repair in their home before it’s too late, including:

1. Gutters: If not cleared, gutters – crucial for proper drainage -- could be the root of problems for home owners. During the winter, clogged gutters could lead to ice or water damage. Also, gutters and downspouts that are overflowing with leaves or that appear to not be draining properly or draining toward the house can also cause water issues.

2. Decks: Loose railings along your porch, deck, or steps should not be ignored. The fix may be as simple as a few screws that need to be tightened in a few places. But if ignored, a loose rail could give in and risk injury and more costly repairs.

3. Water spots: A spot on the ceiling should be handled immediately. The cause, however, of the water damage may not be obvious. A roofing contractor may be the first source of contact to determine if it’s from a loose shingle.

4. Asphalt cracks: Water that seeps in and then freezes can cause cracks to get wider. The water may also saturate the soil underneath the driveway and cause a shift overtime. Home owners should seal their driveway as soon as they notice any signs of wear to prevent damage from rain, snow, ice, or sunlight.

5. Leaky faucets: A slight drip or a running toilet is not an issue that should be overlooked either. These may be signs of a bigger problem and the fix will likely save you money on your water bills. Small leaks can get bigger if left ignored and become more costly to repair.

6. Blocked chimneys: Proper maintenance of chimneys is important or home owners could risk suffering from a fire or smoke inhalation. Soot and creosote build up in in the interior of chimneys and need to be removed. Also, owners would be wise to inspect the chimney cap to make sure it’s not rusty or damaged to prevent debris or pests from coming into the home.

Source: “Time’s Up: 9 Things to Repair in Your Home Before it’s Too Late,” (November 2015)

10 Seasonal Tips: Simple Ways to Save Time and Enjoy the Holidays

by Scott Darling


It may be the most wonderful time of year, but at times, it can also feel like the most stressful. This holiday season, take a fresh approach to your "to-do's list" to save time and energy so you can be merry and bright. These 10 tips and tricks will help you relax, unwind and enjoy all the best parts of the holidays.

1. Wrap while shopping

 It's a given that shopping early avoids the last-minute frenzy, but you can save even more time and stress by getting gifts wrapped while out and about. Many department stores offer gift wrap services, all you need to do is ask.

2. Streamline holiday cards

 Sending cards is a holiday tradition, but it shouldn't cause unneeded stress. No need to worry about a dated address book - an easy trick is to cut return address labels from each card you receive and place in an envelope. Now it's easy to send cards to loved ones and update your address book without hassle.

3. Use baking hacks

Using pre-made foods is one of the simplest (yet yummy) ways to create holiday bakery delights. While you're baking, double the batch to have an extra on hand for a hostess gift.

4. Go tech free

Smartphones ringing, emails beeping, texts buzzing - technology is time consuming. Avoid feeling overwhelmed by designating tech-free times for your family each day. Use this time (1-2 hours) to relax and focus on each other, perhaps with a hot cup of cocoa - the emails and messages will still be there later.

5. Schedule a salon visit

With a long holiday to-do list, it's hard to find time for you. That's why treating yourself to a haircut or manicure can do wonders for your holiday spirit. Plus, you'll look and feel fantastic when you attend all those festive get-togethers.

6. Opt for an open house

Having a holiday gathering adds to the season's merriment, but where will everyone fit and how will you feed them? Instead of a formal dinner, opt for an open house with hors d'oeuvres. You'll have less work and more time to spend with love ones as they come and go.

7. Embrace holiday breakfasts

Start every day off right by enjoying a delicious breakfast with your family. No need to spend hours in the kitchen cooking; instead include iconic breakfast classics that you and the kids love. (BPT)

Tips For Downsizing Your Home and Saving Big

by Scott Darling


The economy has been bad for quite some time now and although it has improved some over the last few years, it doesn’t seem to be getting a whole lot better.  A good way to save money is to downsize your home.  This is especially a good idea if you have already raised your family and you and your husband are left paying a mortgage on a home that is too large for you.  Let’s take a look at how downsizing your home will help you to save a bit of money, to live more comfortably as well as some easy ways that you can downsize.

  • One easy way to downsize is to look for a home that has a small garage or even no garage at all.  If you and your spouse are living in the home alone and your children are grown it is likely that you don’t have a bunch of stuff to store in a garage.  Buying a home without a garage is a great way to get more house for your money and to downsize your payment. 
  • Finding a home without a lot of land is another way to downsize and to save big.  You can find a lot of cute houses on the market these days that don’t have a ton of land with them.  It is also good to find a home without a lot of land if you are older and don’t have the stamina you once had to do all the yard work that is involved with a house with a lot of land attached. 
  • Buying a home that is one story is also a good way to downsize and to save when it comes to buying a new home.  Buying a home without stairs is good for when you get older as well because you won’t want to or may not be able to climb them once you get up in years. 
  • Realize that you don’t have to give up on the home of your dreams when you downsize.  There are plenty of adorable houses on the market that won’t break your bank account that are 1500 square feet or less.  Don’t let society dictate to you that you need a large house in order to fit in.  There are plenty of upsides to downsizing to a smaller home!

Once you set your mind in the right direction and you realize that you don’t need to have a huge house and that it’s no longer important to “keep up with the Jones’’ you will be well on your way to saving a lot of money.

Courtesy of Chester County PA Realtor Scott Darling!

5 Tips For Creating Fall Curb Appeal

by Scott Darling


Soon, all things pumpkin spice will be here, including the home visitors that bring them. In preparation of the door bell ringing, create a little spice of your own with some seasonal curb appeal. You don’t have to limit yourself to pumpkins and hay bales — below are tips and projects for sprucing up your home’s view from the curb this season.

Front door, first impressions

Your front door is one of the first things people notice about your home. Give your door a fresh face with a coat of paint in a bold fall color to draw the eye to this focal point of your home.

Another project is to replace the door entirely. Consider options with decorative glass accents, and stunning sidelights (windows on either side of the door) to add more natural light while maintaining a sense of style and privacy. Plus, as temperatures start to drop, Energy Star -qualified entry doors will help maintain your home’s energy efficiency.

Accessorize with new hardware

Replace your front door hardware for a quick, easy facelift. Choose hardware finishes that compliment light fixtures, mailbox and house numbers for a polished, cohesive look. You’ll be delightfully surprised what a difference new hardware can make in creating an updated look to your home.

Refresh exterior body and trim colors

For a dramatic change, repaint your home’s exterior. It’s bold and can make your home stand out from other homes on the block. Not up for the bold change? To make an impact with a smaller change, add new trim colors. When updating trim, choose color schemes that match your home’s primary exterior color, or complement it with a fresh twist.

Create points of interest with plants

You don’t have to stop enjoying beautiful plants and flowers simply because summer is over. Add pops of color by arranging pots filled with hearty fall flowers like mums, sedum or asters around your front door, or on a porch or deck. Incorporate planters or container gardens of varied sizes, shapes and colors to add visual interest.

Accent with lighting

As summer light fades into shorter, darker days, add exterior accent lighting to the front of your home. Illuminate a walking path with ground-insert solar lights. Or consider solar spotlights to bring out landscaping or to shine on your updated front door. Install matching light fixtures outside your front door, garage door or patio door to provide well-lit entrances that are stylish and inviting to neighbors and guests.

Displaying blog entries 151-160 of 237


